So much can be said about the movies and TV shows that have tried to convey and imagine the life of Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah.
From what it seems, no production has utilized crowdsourcing quite like the series The Chosen has.
Dallas Jenkins, the creator, producer, and director was a solid professional working in the film industry long before The Chosen was conceived.
In his testimony of the journey God brought him on, he shared about being high on a hill, only to fall into despair, asking God, “What happened?” Each of us can attest to this in our own lives and faith walks, feeling as if we are going one direction only to find out that God had a different plan.
It can be difficult when we try to squeeze God into the plans we have for ourselves. Sometimes we fight it but in the long run, we hopefully come to the conclusion that God’s ways and plans are better for our lives’.
When we finally wake up or give in, we get beauty for ashes or loaves and fishes, just like Yeshua (Jesus) fed the 5,000.
This is what Dallas Jenkins found out in the form of The Shepherd, a standalone episode that preceded what would become The Chosen.
The story of The Shepherd is the birth of the Messiah told through the eyes of the Shepherds as they watched upon this extraordinary moment in history. It truly touches your heart to see how God brought His message first to the lowly shepherds - as opposed to the priests or pharisees.
One of the shepherds has a quick but small encounter with the parents of the Messiah. As the Lord reveals the birth of Yeshua, these shepherds are completely humbled. They cannot believe that the God of the universe would reveal himself to them.
This movie was the springboard for The Chosen. Now that we have had the opportunity to watch two seasons, we have been able to follow the development of the apostles and their relationships with Messiah.
The Chosen has not only caught the attention of many on this continent, but also to those across the world. Many are paying it forward to allow others the freedom to watch without having to spend a penny, those that otherwise might not have had the opportunity to see it.
This show has and continues to be created without the backing of Hollywood and lives solely on a budget funded by regular viewers who want to share what God has blessed them with.
I wanted to take the time to share how others are sharing more than their money. They are sharing their time, efforts, and talents.
There is more than one way to contribute to the making of The Chosen. I heard through a friend about an auction group on Facebook called, Fans of the Chosen Series Auction Group. Different items are auctioned off weekly by the creator of the group and her team. Items are auctioned off with ALL of the proceeds going straight to the ongoing creation of the series.
When I heard about this group, I knew I wanted to take part in what they were doing and use the abilities God has blessed me with. So, I jumped right in and donated some creations.
My donations ranged from earrings, to key rings, pendants, and bracelets. Aside from what I donated, there are many items to choose from. If you visit the page, there may be something that appeals to you, from pieces of artwork to pieces signed from those appearing on the series. You might be surprised to find something you just have to have.
Your generosity will not only help fund the show, you will gain a beautiful piece of artwork lovingly crafted from someone’s handiwork.
Join the Fans of the Chosen Series Auction Group here!
If you currently are not watching The Chosen and want to catch up, download the app or follow along on youtube: